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Produkt zum Begriff Quality English:

  • English for Everyone Illustrated English Dictionary with Free Online Audio
    English for Everyone Illustrated English Dictionary with Free Online Audio

    English for Everyone Illustrated English Dictionary with Free Online Audio , Learn more than 10,000 of the most useful English words and phrases with this engaging visual dictionary for English learners aged 6-9. Accompanying the English for Everyone Junior: Beginner's Course, this beautifully illustrated workbook features an abundance of vocabulary and grammar exercises for children learning English as a foreign language. Captivating and clear illustrations are used to show English language words and phrases in a visual context, making this dictionary essential for any English language learner!The words are shown in themed sections covering practical everyday topics, providing you with all the vocabulary you need to work, travel, shopping, and leisure. When it comes to languages, practice really does make perfect! This workbook guides young linguistic learners through exercises and activities to consolidate what they've learned and build confidence in their skills. The Illustrated English Dictionary includes:-A comprehensive guide to a wide range of useful English words and expressions-Practical thematic sections, making the words easier to remember-An accompanying audio app and website-Over 1,000 vocabulary and grammar exercises-Lay-flat binding, making the book easier to write in-Extensive accompanying audio resources that can be accessed via the website and the app-The same unit-by-unit structure as the English for Everyone Junior: Beginner's Course, making it the perfect learning accompanimentAt DK, we believe that language learning doesn't have to be dominated by verb endings and grammar structures!English for Everyone Junior's dynamic and visual approach makes language learning fun, and produces results fast. Although best used to accompany English for Everyone Junior: Beginner's Course, this practice book can also be used independently by children or teachers who are in need of additional beginners-level English practice exercises. Looking for more English language resources for all ages and abilities?English for Everyone sells guides and practice books in over 90 countries, supporting English learning for children, teenagers, and adults all around the world. Covering English speaking, reading, and writing at all levels, this catch-all collection has got you covered, whatever your skillset. , > , Erscheinungsjahr: 20220317, Produktform: Kartoniert, Titel der Reihe: English for Everyone##, Seitenzahl/Blattzahl: 400, Themenüberschrift: FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Multi-Language Dictionaries, Keyword: english for everyone; english for beginners; english for beginners children; english for beginners usborne; learn english for beginners; kids english dictionary; grammar for kids; how to teach english; jeremy harmer; english workbook; english book; mrs wordsmith; dk workbooks; esl beginner kids; english course book; english study book children; english as a second language children; dk workbook; dk english for everyone; dk phonics; dk english; dk children books; esl books beginners; esl for children; phonics practice book; english as a second language for beginners; beginner esl; esl books for children; esl; esl teaching materials, Fachschema: Englisch / Wörterbuch (allgemein) (einsprachig)~Englische Bücher / Lexikon, Wörterbuch, Atlanten~Deutsch / Wörterbuch~Wörterbuch, Fachkategorie: Wörterbücher, zwei- und mehrsprachig~Fremdsprachendidaktik: Lehrmaterial, Begleitmaterial~Fachbezogener Fremdsprachenerwerb, Sprache: Englisch, Warengruppe: HC/Fremdsprachige Wörterbücher, Fachkategorie: Unterricht und Didaktik: Moderne Sprachen: Fremdsprachenerwerb, Text Sprache: eng, UNSPSC: 49019100, Warenverzeichnis für die Außenhandelsstatistik: 49019100, Verlag: Dorling Kindersley Ltd., Verlag: Dorling Kindersley Ltd., Länge: 235, Breite: 200, Höhe: 34, Gewicht: 1150, Produktform: Kartoniert, Genre: Importe, Genre: Importe, Alternatives Format EAN: 9780241583678 9780744065435, eBook EAN: 9780241583685 9780241583678 9780241583661, Herkunftsland: CHINA, VOLKSREPUBLIK (CN), Katalog: LIB_ENBOOK, Katalog: Gesamtkatalog, Katalog: Internationale Lagertitel, Katalog: internationale Titel, Katalog: Lagerartikel, Book on Demand, ausgew. Medienartikel, Relevanz: 0006, Tendenz: -1, Unterkatalog: AK, Unterkatalog: Bücher, Unterkatalog: Hardcover, Unterkatalog: Lagerartikel,

    Preis: 26.56 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • TurboDraw, English
    TurboDraw, English

    TurboDraw TurboDraw, Create beautiful graphic designs and vector illustrations on your PC. Full layer support Powerful Bézier editing tools Boolean operations to create new shapes Create text art and add text to any path 2,000+ pre-designed vector graphics and royalty free images Creative filters and effect Full support for SVG files, including import and export TurboDraw makes it easy for anyone to create incredible graphic designs and vector art. You don’t need to be a graphic design professional to create incredible looking artwork for any print or online project. Advanced Tools: Full layer support Powerful Bézier editing tools Boolean operations to create new shapes Create text art and add text to any path Full support for SVG files, including import and export Knife tool to slice graphics on the canvas Eraser tool to remove parts of graphics Blend tool to create 3D tunnel effects and unique shapes Component Library to save and reuse new graphics you create Creative background and fill textures Solid, text and artistic strokes for added style Smoothing tool to smooth out choppy freehand drawings Artistic color palettes and gradients Detailed help guide Bonus Graphics & Tools: 2,000+ pre-designed vector graphics and royalty free images Creative filters and effect65+ commercial use fonts Royalty-free photos and images Over 100 Professionally-Created Design Ideas including: Posters Postcards Print Banners Web Banners SignsI llustrations Fun artistic expressions Simply use the powerful vector drawing tools to sketch out your design, or import a vector graphic in SVG format to add your own creative touch. Beginners to graphic design can get started quickly by using any of the 300+ pre-designed, royalty free design ideas and graphics without the hassle of starting from scratch. Features Full Layer Support: TurboDraw works on layers. Now you can easily modify any of the layer by selecting it individually. You can check how much layers are using in single image or project by accessing Layers at the right side. Now you can hide and remove any layer very easily from Layers. Boolean operations to create new shapes: Now you can combine two existing shapes into a new shape very easily by using Boolean feature. In shapes combine you can use Union, Intersect, XOR and Exclude option. You can see this feature in Home menu under Editing. Create text art and add text to any path: It became very easy to add any text to any path. You can add alphabets from Alphabet Art under Objects at left side of the screen. You can insert Text on path by accessing insert menu under Text. Full support for SVG files, including import and export: Now it has become very easy to import and export your SVG files. You can save your project as SVG files and then import it very easily by accessing Insert menu. Knife tool to slice graphics on the canvas: You can select any part of the image and paste it anywhere in the canvas by using select and crop functionality. Creative background and fill textures: You can create creative backgrounds by accessing Canvas menu. You can insert and give any color to background and make it more attractive. Solid, text and artistic strokes for added style: Now you can add simple solid text as well as artistic stroke text to make your drawing or documents more attractive. You can access these features by accessing Text under Insert menu. Smoothing tool to smooth out choppy freehand drawings: TurboDraw allows you to make your desired drawing by using freehand pen and pencil from Drawing under Insert menu. Now it has become very easy to make creative drawings in seconds. Detailed help guide: TurboDraw offers online help guide. Now you can learn everything by using this user guide. You can access help guide by accessing Help at the right top corner. Add Effects: TurboDraw allows to change the background color, background image, Text color etc. very easily. Now you can add effects in your added picture or written text means change text color, style, size etc. on single click. Import Objects: Now you can easily import any JPEG, SVG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, WMF image in TurboDraw.

    Preis: 84.95 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • English Gentleman
    English Gentleman

    Preis: 113 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • English Country Tune
    English Country Tune

    English Country Tune

    Preis: 1.19 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Ist Business English amerikanisches oder britisches Englisch?

    Business English kann sowohl amerikanisches als auch britisches Englisch umfassen. Es hängt von der Region ab, in der das Business stattfindet und mit welchen Partnern oder Kunden kommuniziert wird. In der Regel wird jedoch eine neutrale Form des Englischen verwendet, um Missverständnisse zu vermeiden.

  • How do you say "auf englisch denken" in English?

    In English, "auf englisch denken" translates to "to think in English."

  • Was bedeutet Old English Bulldog in Not?

    Old English Bulldog in Not bedeutet, dass ein Old English Bulldog in einer schwierigen Situation ist und Hilfe benötigt. Dies kann bedeuten, dass der Hund ausgesetzt wurde, vernachlässigt wurde oder aus irgendeinem Grund nicht mehr versorgt werden kann. In solchen Fällen suchen Tierschutzorganisationen oder Tierheime nach einer neuen Familie für den Bulldog, um ihm ein besseres Leben zu ermöglichen. Es ist wichtig, dass solche Hunde rechtzeitig Unterstützung erhalten, um ihr Wohlergehen zu gewährleisten.

  • What does "Erzieherin" mean in English?

    "Erzieherin" is a German word that translates to "educator" or "childcare worker" in English. It refers to a person who works in the field of early childhood education and is responsible for the care and education of young children.

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  • TurboPDF v4, English
    TurboPDF v4, English

    PDF zusammenarbeiten, kommentieren und teilen! - TurboPDF TurboPDF ist eine funktionsreiche PDF-Lösung, mit der professionell aussehende PDF-Dokumente schnell, kostengünstig und sicher erstellt werden können. Es bietet alles, was Sie benötigen, um PDF-Dokumente zu erstellen, zusammenzuarbeiten, zu bearbeiten und zu sichern – und das zu einem erschwinglichen Preis. Wichtige Funktionen und Vorteile PDF-Bearbeitung – Ändern Sie Text, fügen Sie Kopf- und Fußzeilen, Seitenzahlen, Bilder und Videos hinzu; fügen Sie Seiten hinzu und löschen Sie sie; entwerfen Sie Formulare und mehr. Scannen und OCR – OCR-Unterstützung ermöglicht es Benutzern, gescannte oder bildbasierte Inhalte in auswählbaren und durchsuchbaren Text umzuwandeln. Zusammenarbeiten und Teilen – Markieren Sie PDF-Dokumente und fügen Sie Kommentare hinzu, um die Zusammenarbeit im Arbeitsgruppen zu erleichtern. Konvertieren und Exportieren – Benutzer können PDF in Microsoft Office®, Text, RTF, HTML und gängige Bildformate exportieren. Schützen und Unterzeichnen – Umfassende Sicherheitsfunktionen schützen Dokumente durch die Verwendung von Passwortverschlüsselung, Zertifikatverschlüsselung und digitalen Signaturen. Warum Sie TurboPDF benötigen? PDF ist das vorherrschende Dateiformat, weil es ein robustes und offenes Standardformat für die Anzeige von Dokumenten ist und mit praktisch jeder Anwendung, Hardwaregerät und jedem Betriebssystem funktioniert. Sie müssen jedoch nicht mehr Hunderte von Dollar für Adobe Acrobat ausgeben, um PDF-Dokumente zu erstellen, zu bearbeiten, zusammenzuarbeiten und zu sichern. TurboPDF bietet alle Funktionen, die Sie benötigen (und mehr) zu einem erschwinglichen Preis. Es ist ISO 32000-1 / PDF 1.7-Standardkonform und funktioniert mit all Ihren vorhandenen PDF-Dokumenten und -Formularen, sodass ein Umstieg einfach ist und weit weniger kostet als der Listenpreis für ein Upgrade auf die nächste Version von Adobe Acrobat. TurboPDF ist perfekt für: Erstellen und Unterzeichnen von Dokumenten Umsetzung der Arbeitsgruppenzusammenarbeit Entwerfen von Formularen Erstellen von Marketingmaterialien Schutz vertraulicher Informationen Archivierung von Unternehmensdokumenten Erstellung von PDF-Dateien Erstellen Sie branchenübliche PDF-Dateien aus nahezu allen PC-Anwendungen, gängigen Bildformaten und der Zwischenablage. NEU: Erstellen Sie cPDF-Dateien, um die Verwaltung von D...

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  • Transaktionsanalyse (English, Fanita)
    Transaktionsanalyse (English, Fanita)

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    Preis: 24.80 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Polylemma (English edition)
    Polylemma (English edition)

    Polylemma (English edition) , "No Trust, No City!" was the longtime credo on their website; "Some Ideas for Better Cities" was their first joint lecture series; and Acting in Public was their first book. For over twenty years, the architecture collective raumlaborberlin has been searching for new spaces of encounter and for ways of achieving cooperative urban development. Together with experts from various disciplines, they experiment with new forms of urban practice, participation, and the joint production of space. Polylemma explores the work of the collective from diverse perspectives. Its nine members visit the sites of their work, come together with long-standing colleagues and critics, dissect the mechanisms behind their actions, and reflect on the tools and methods of their research-based practice. Examining numerous projects, they discuss strategies for learning together, experimental building, radical recycling, and cooperative urban development. The book is a call to action: space becomes an actor that fundamentally questions design itself and the role of architects. It offers an extensive collection of photos and drawings, analyses and ideas, tutorials and building instructions, that continually test and explore the parameters for action in urban space. Polylemma asks: How do we want to live together in the future? It is a request to think space openly; a plea for the city as a sphere of action. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen

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  • English Farmhouse Cottage
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  • What does "bodenständig" mean in English?

    "Bodenständig" is a German word that can be translated to "down-to-earth" in English. It describes someone who is practical, grounded, and has a strong connection to their roots and values.

  • What does "ein Praktikum absolvieren" mean in English?

    "Ein Praktikum absolvieren" means "to complete an internship" in English.

  • What does "eine Ausbildung machen" mean in English?

    "Eine Ausbildung machen" in English means "to undergo vocational training" or "to do an apprenticeship". It refers to a structured educational program that combines theoretical learning with practical work experience in a specific trade or profession.

  • What does "Jahrgang einer Zeitschrift" mean in English?

    "Jahrgang einer Zeitschrift" translates to "year/edition of a magazine" in English. It refers to a specific year or volume of a magazine, indicating the collection of issues published during that period.

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